inspirations | st. john of god hospital
As a 2014 Interior Design Best of Year winner, there's little doubt as to the design quality of the St. John of God Hospital in Barcelona....

inspirations | minimalist packaging
Most people like good packaging, something that stands out and grabs your attention. But unfortunately, too many products try to do this...

happy holidays
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Pace Howe Design - Cheers! #holidays

concepts | labor + delivery
Maternity spaces in hospitals are often given high priority when it comes to design. Expecting mothers can generally choose which...

concepts | geometric wall graphics
Over the summer, we worked with a client who was looking to turn an old office building into a new, innovative coworking space. As part...

inspirations | outdoor art installations
For a dose of ingenuity and and inspiration, we've put togwether a collection of favorite outdoor art installations. More than basic...

concepts | vintage industrial bathrooms
Bathrooms are often overlooked or treated as afterthoughts in commercial interiors. But bad bathroom design tends to have a stong,...